Virtual Judaism – part 2

Last week, I suggested that the new reality of virtual Judaism might have some advantages. The success of our community-wide Yom HaShoah commemoration seems to support my hypothesis. The program live-streamed on hundreds of computers, with many more watching after the live broadcast.  

Most of our local Jewish organizations, their national organizations, our national partners, and others seem to be getting the hang of distance programming, and our community members are learning to take advantage. New this week, we have cleaned up our community calendar to try to share as much of the available virtual programming as possible, and we have reached out to all of our partners to add their events to our centralized calendar.  

Cartoon calendar titled Upcoming Virtual EventsIt looks like organizations are following one of three schools of thought:

1. Make on-line programs available as a benefit for members only, to show the value of membership.

2. Make on-line programs available to all to show the value of the organization.

3.Make on-line programs available for a fee to recoup costs.

There is merit to all positions, but it does mean that we will only be able to pass on the information made public to us.  

I have become a big fan of OpenDor Media (formerly Jerusalem U) and their products. I had been looking into opportunities to bring its newest film, Sustainable Nation – a documentary on three Israeli innovators working to share sustainable water solutions, to our community. Sadly, we will not be able to watch it together, with a nice dessert reception, but OpenDor Media is hosting an on-line premiere screening this Sunday at 2:00 p.m. We will be one of the community sponsors. Please see below for details.  

I also remind you about the global commemoration of Yom HaZikaron and the global celebration of Yom HaAtzmaut also coming up this week.  

Finally, for anyone who is getting frustrated with your phone/computer, who might need a little technical assistance, I have millennials and members of the new Zoomer generation standing by to help. Please reach out.


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