
24 2023

Havurah Minyan High Holiday Services -- Kol Nidre

6:00PM - 9:00PM  

Albany JCC 340 Whitehall Rd
Albany, NY 12208
(518) 438-6651

Contact Cathy Kushner
(518) 330-3151

The Havurah Minyan joins together for Kol Nidre services with leadership from Rabbi Beth Naditch at the Sidney Alpert Jewish Community Center, 340 Whitehall Rd., Albany, NY 12208. We begin at 6 pm and follow our prayers with a discussion of holiday themes. All are welcome! Donations to the Minyan are suggested, but no tickets are required. Please refer to the Minyan's Facebook group: Havurah Minyan of the Capital District

Sponsor: Havurah Minyan of the Capital District