
3 2024


4 2024

Havurah Minyan Rosh Hashanah Services


Sidney Albert Albany JCC 340 Whitehall Rd
Albany, NY 12208

Contact Cathy Kushner
(518) 330-3151

The Havurah Minyan will again hold High Holiday services at the Albany JCC. The Minyan is a welcoming, pan-Jewish denominational congregation committed to celebrating the high holidays with joy and community. Services are thoughtful and thought provoking, and congregants are encouraged to take an active role in the service from opening the ark to leading “kavanot”- meditations on themes of the day. Prayers are generally in Hebrew with many opportunities for sharing and learning in English. Women and men participate equally in the services. All are welcome. Rosh Hashanah services will begin at 9:30 am each day. No tickets are required, and all may attend regardless of ability to pay. The Minyan encourages contributions of $100 per person, $200 per family to help cover expenses. The Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York will accept contributions on behalf of the Minyan or you can send them directly to us. Gifts sent to the Federation should indicate “Havurah Minyan Contribution” and be mailed to 184 Washington Avenue Ext, Albany, NY 12203. The Federation also accepts gifts via its Website with appropriate designation. Otherwise, please send your check, made payable to the Havurah Minyan, to: Havurah Minyan ℅ L. E. Weiss, 41 Homestead Street, Albany, NY 12203. For security reasons, you must email hmalbany@gmail.com or call Cathy Kushner (518-330-3151) in advance to let us know which days you will be attending.

Sponsor: Havurah Minyan of the Capital District, Cathy Kushner