
25 2023

Havurah Minyan Yom Kippur Services

9:00AM - 9:00PM  

Albany JCC 340 Whitehall Rd
Albany, NY 12208
(518) 438-6651

Contact Cathy Kushner
(518) 330-3151

The Havurah Minyan of the Capital District will once again host Yom Kippur services at the Sidney Alpert Jewish Community Center, 340 Whitehall Rd., Albany, NY 12208. Our prayers will be led by Rabbi Beth Naditch with Minyan members participating by offering readings, leyning, and leading parts of the services. The day begins with Pesukei d'Zimrah at 9:00 am, Yizchor at approximately noon.We'll break in the afternoon and reconvene for Mincha at 4 pm, followed by Torah study at 5 pm, Neilah at 6:20 and break-fast following Havdalah. There is no cost to join us, no tickets required. We encourage donations.

Sponsor: Havurah Minyan of the Capital District