
19 2023

Havurah Vatik DECEMBER EVENT Hannukah Celebration

11:00AM - 1:00PM  

Congregation Shaara Tfille 84 Weibel Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
(518) 584-2370

All Saratoga area Jewish seniors 55 plus are welcome!

Adirondack Klezmer Band

A program for every season, and for this Chanukah season, we will join in some clapping and stomping, swaying and dancing to the tunes from the Adirondack Klezmer Band.

After a Covid absence, the band's appearance last year proved to be a great treat. Join us at Havurah Vatik for another engagement with this energetic ensemble as they perform Hannukah tunes as well as t Klezmer dance music.

Meet The Band: Ben Rowley, piano; Dr. Bill Bender, percussion; Dr. Roslyn Socoloff, flute; Christine Barron, clarinet; and Judy Korot on violin. They are looking forward to having fun!         

A festive catered lunch featuring LATKES follows the program

We need your RSVP by December 13th

Please RSVP via email:  

Or call the Temple Sinai Havurah Vatik reservation line at 584-8730, ext. 4. 

Because we pay our caterer based on number of lunches ordered, it is crucial that you let us know if you:

  • Plan to attend the luncheon or will attend only the program
  • Need to cancel your reservation
  • Need transportation

Keep Havurah Vatik alive and well - bring along a friend to enjoy this program!

Havurah Vatik is grateful to its sponsor the Jewish Federation of NENY         

To contact Havurah Vatik for any other reason, you can email the chair: 

or Caroline Seligman at or call 518-937-6751

We will be happy to talk with you!