
15 2022

HAVURAH VATIK March 2022 Event (Zoom)


Virtual Event


Salient Questions About the Economy

We are in home stretch as we plough toward Spring 2022. And as we wake up from a long winter, in time to study our tax forms, we are bound to have questions about the economy! We have a chance to ask a true expert: Professor Roy Rotheim of Skidmore College. He will address "Salient Questions About the Economy: Now and for the Future." What he would really appreciate is knowing the "salient questions" his audience has. Email him at; tell him what interests you about the economy and what you might like to hear about. (Just don't ask for stock tips--not his expertise.) 

Roy Rotheim is Professor of Economics at Skidmore College and an instructor in Bard College's MBA in Sustainability. He has been chairperson of the Economics Department and the Management and Business Departments at Skidmore. His primary fields of expertise are in monetary theory and central bank policy. He has been a visiting scholar in the faculty of economics at the University of Cambridge, UK as well as at universities in Italy and Denmark.

Havurah Vatik in the time of Covid: Bring your own lunch; pajama bottoms welcomed; coffee or tea suggested.
Nothing supplied but valuable information, exchange of ideas, opportunity to "see" friends and acquaintances.

Join Zoom Meeting: 

Passcode: 958868

To contact Havurah Vatik for any other reason, you can email the Co-chairs: 

Rita Fischer at

or Caroline Seligman at; 518-937-6751

We will be happy to talk with you!