
21 2024

Havurah Vatik | Federation Solidarity Trip to Israel


Congregation Shaara Tfille 84 Weibel Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Contact Caroline Seligman

Local Federation leaders record images and bear witness in Israel

Havurah Vatik welcomes Phyllis Wang and Rob Kovach of Jewish Federation of NENY to our podium to share with us their experiences on the Federation Solidarity Trip to Israel, in February of this year. Their presentation will be in the format of a Journal with pictures recording what they saw and heard in Israel and the emotions evoked by bearing witness.

Our presenters, Rob Kovach and Phyllis Wang, have long been active in Federation and in their communities. Rob is President and CEO of Jewish Federation of NENY. He has two children living in Israel. Phyllis is immediate past Chair of Federation and is a past President of Temple Sinai's Board of Trustees. She is also Coordinator of Jewish Community Arts and the Jewish Cultural Festival. Rob lives in Albany and Phyllis in Saratoga Springs.

A delicious catered lunch follows the program

We need your RSVP by May 15:

Or call Temple Sinai at 584-8730, click on Administrator, ext. 800 and say you are calling to RSVP for Havurah Vatik

Keep Havurah Vatik alive and well - bring along a friend to enjoy this program!

Havurah Vatik is grateful to its sponsor the Jewish Federation of NENY

Sponsor: Havurah Vatik