
10 2024

JWC Trip to NYC


Bethlehem Chabad 393 Delaware Ave
Delmar, NY 12054
(518) 439-3310

Contact Chanie Simon
(518) 439-3310

$ Cost $ 60.00

Join us for an inspiring trip to New York!

Experience a day in the Chassidic community of Crown Heights.

We will begin the day with an inspiring visit to the Rebbe's Ohel followed by a walking tour of Crown Heights visiting Jewish landmarks. We will then have the opportunity to meet Chassidic women entrepreneurs. Crown Heights is also the center of the kosher foodie scene and we will enjoy a delicious dinner at one of the kosher hot spots!

Transportation, a boxed lunch, and the tour is $60

Dinner at the restaurant will be a separate cost.

Reserve your spot by August 29th!

For registration please go to: