
4 2023

Scholar in Residence

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Contact Mordechai & Chana Rubin

Scholar in Residence
MEET: our Aunt & Uncle and be treated to refreshments, words of inspiration by Scholar in Residence -Rabbi Avrohom D. Vaisfiche   

Friday, Aug. 4th 7:00 PM - Friday Night Dinner
Rabbi Mordechai & Chana's Home - 284 Osborne Rd. Loudonville, 12211    RSVP Required: At your convenience please use this form to Reserve by 8/1. To dedicate or sponsor this event in honor or memory of a loved one, please contact us. Thank You! Looking Forward to seeing you!
Rabbi Mordechai, Chana & Mushka


Rabbi Avrohom D. Vaisfiche, a lead editor at Kehot Publication Society, the publishing division of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. He has led editing on some of the most sought after titles of our time in Chassidic & Jewish literature. Today he lives with his wife Sheini & Children in Brooklyn, NY. Kehot is one of the largest Jewish publishing house in America publishing over 600 new titles in the last 80 years.This publishing house is known for properly indexing their works. Kehot was established in 1941 by the sixth Rebbe , Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn. In 1942, he appointed his son-in-law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (who became the seventh Rebbe in 1951) as director and editor-in-chief.