
1 2023

The Jewish Course of WHY - Session 3


Contact Mordechai Rubin
(518) 368-7886

Chosen people" isn't that racist?
Do we really have "free Choice"?
Does the Torah Permit slavery?
Why does Jewish law obsess over details?
Why does the bible refer to marital intimacy as "knowing"?

RSVP now!

Promo Video - Don't miss out on this video, only 1:30 min. well with it!

The 50 biggest questions about Jews and Judaism. The topics of the popular JLI course, The Jewish Course of Why, span a diverse range, from fun, light, and off-the-beaten-track questions, to more complex and controversial issues.

First Class on Thursday starting July 20th 6:00pm
following 3 classes on Tuesdays (starting July 25), 6:00pm

First & Last Class with Dinner!
TRY 1st Class for FREE!

In-person & on ZOOM
- 1 hr. Classes!
- Time for Discussions & Q&A