
23 2024

What if the Torah is Forgotten?

11:00AM - 12:30PM  

Shakespeare and Company (Elayne Bernstein Theater) 70 Kemble St
Lenox, MA

Contact Alisa Braun
(212) 678-8819

$ Cost $ 15.00

JTS in the Berkshires continues with learning led by Dr. Yitz Landes. The concept of Torah is surely one of the most central ideas in Judaism. And yet, how exactly has this concept been defined over the course of Jewish history? By looking closely at how the rabbis of antiquity defined Torah and attended to its preservation, we will be able to better reflect on the meaning of Torah and the Jewish tradition in contemporary times. We will also think about how, on a personal level, we decide what to preserve and pass on to the next generation.

Sponsor: JTS, Knesset Israel (Pittsfield, MA), Jewish Federation of the Berkshires, Harold Grinspoon Foundation