
13 2023

Solidarity with Israel and Latest Updates: A Community-Wide Briefing


Virtual Event on Zoom

As we continue to watch with horror the updates coming out of Israel, we are finding new ways to come together as a community, to stand in solidarity, and share information and resources.

In this spirit, Join Jewish Federations, American Jewish Committee (AJC), American Zionist Movement, Anti-Defamation League, Brandeis Center, Combating Antisemitism Movement, Conference of Presidents, JCC Association, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Hadassah, Hillel International, National Council of Jewish Woman, Prizmah, the Rabbinical Assembly, Shine A Light, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, and more.

Speakers will include:
Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO, Anti-Defamation League
Jon Falk, VP, Israel Action & Addressing Antisemitism Program (IAP), Hillel International
Mark Rotenberg, VP for University Initiatives & General Counsel, Hillel International
Stephanie Viegas, Deputy National Security Advisor, Secure Community Network (SCN)
Einat Wilf, Former Member of Knesset and Author

REGISTER NOW: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/4216971374629/WN_8ITXT11YStyyt3fP92_ylA#/registration

Sponsor: Jewish Federations of North America